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Description de l'établissement :

Icecat N.V., part of the iMerge BV ecommerce group, is an independent global syndicator of product content. It is the worldwide leading content provider in e-commerce. The Icecat database includes more than 6,000,000 products from 24,000+ brands in 47+ languages. One of Icecat’s main services is Open Icecat. Open Icecat is an open catalog, part of Icecat's full catalog, via which the product content for around 300+ top brands is distributed for free. Supported categories, which are steadily expanding, are: IT, Consumer Electronics, Health & Beauty, Do-It-Yourself, Automotive, Toys, Fashion, Food, and Entertainment.

Actuellement, Icecat ne diffuse aucune offre de stage, d'emploi, d'alternance à niveau bac ou bac+2 ou de job étudiant. L'entreprise a précédemment proposé des opportunités à des étudiants ou jeunes diplômés mais la diffusion de ces offres a été stoppée.

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